43.426222º N ,-4.869518º W
Silvano apartments are located in the town of Posada de Llanes and is 8 km from the capital (llanes) and 4.5 km from the Niembro beach and other very beautiful beaches.
Getting there
- Click this link and enter the origin of your trip in the box and press “Get Directions”
If you come from Santander
- Once arrived in Asturias by Unquera, follow the road and go beyond Llanes exit. After that take the exit number 300 going to Posada. Taking this exit, you will find Balmori and Quintana on the AS-263. Posada is located on the junction with the road that goes to the Picos de Europa.
- Once at Posada, cross the railroad tracks and take the first street to the right and you will see the indicators that guide you each croos road to Silvano Apartments.
If you come from Galicia
- Once past Ribadesella, take the exit 303 to Posada and follow the signs until Posada. Arriving at the supermarket ‘La Plaza DIA’, turn left then right. There, you’re already in Posada.
- Cross the railroad tracks and take the first street to the right and you will see the indicators that guide you each cross road to Silvano Apartments.